Saturday, January 2, 2010

Spending Time With Your Cat

So many times in the hustle of day to day life we can get so caught up in what we need to accomplish that we forget to spend time with the ones that need us, and while this is true for husbands, wives, and children, it is also true for our cats. It is so important that no matter how crazy and out of control you life may get that you make time for cat, so that it does not feel forgotten. Cats have feelings, and they can get depressed and feel left out just like we do, so you need to make sure that you take the time to let you cat know that you love him or her, and that you are there for them no matter what. When you do this it strengthen the relationship between you and you cat, and I believe that it makes you a better person for loving you pet so much that you take time out of you day even when you might now have any to spare, and let them know that you love them. So, today take and extra 15-20 minutes and spend it playing with your cat.

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